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Auteur Fil de discussion: Neatly developed Magento Ajax Cart is a way to prosperous eCommerce business  (Lu 7276 fois)
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« le: 24 Septembre 2013 à 13:33:35 »

Shopping is a pleasant thing, soothing the nerves. Looking through Magento website pages, a customer is attracted to push “Add to cart” button in a burst of emotions. But what can happen to him, when he/she starts analyzing their future purchases in the shopping cart?! Let’s imagine ourselves in this process: “Oh, I don’t need this and that, it is not too practical…moreover, it is too expensive…”  You can make them stop creating such thoughts!
Good analyzed and highly developed shopping cart should provide your customers with the opportunities to choose and buy without losing sales for you! Très souriant

Do not pass by GoMage ProCart version 2.0, one of the best Magento shopping cart extensions!

Ability to use Upsell, Cross-sell blocks, and also Related, Grouped and Bundle products gives you a chance to make your customers buy more or provide them with the opportunity to change one product with another one. It opens wide horizons for sales!
Increasing/decreasing the quantity of the products in the shopping cart is a thing, without which any cart will be useless and without comfort.

After long investigation and spending a huge amount of time GoMage team has come to a significant result in the Magento shopping cart sphere:

GoMage ProCart 2.0:

-   flexible for customer’s needs;
-   highly analyzed and improved;
-   superior functional;
-   new themes innovations, connected with popular Ultimento theme. Sourire

Magento merchants will not be left indifferent after reading the whole list of the innovations of GoMage ProCart version 2.0. Be in a hurry to get to know everything about this novelty here:
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Les extensions moderne pour la Magento e-commerce plate-forme
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