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« le: 14 Novembre 2014 à 10:44:18 »

If you are a Magento beginner and your experience of Magento use is significantly low, this is not surprising that you will be taken aback with the majority of the Magento features and the wide range of the extensions which will help you to improve the Magento functional.
The most important thing you should pay attention to is your checkout page. People do not like to spend their time on a long checkout process. So, you should reduce the waste of time to minimum on Magento checkout page. It will take you much time and efforts to improve it manually by yourself taking into account that you are a beginner and can’t develop an excellent Magento code, so you need a quick decision.
One of these decisions is the purchase of highly developed One Step Checkout Extension which will provide you with all the features you need to add to your standard Magento checkout page.
But now you are running into another problem: how to choose the most appropriate Magento Checkout extension with a rich range of the features and reasonable price.
Let us review some moments you should pay attention to while choosing One Step Checkout Extension.
First of all, what One Page Checkout extension means. It means that all the information such as billing address, shipping and payment method will all fit together on the same page and customers will be able to fill all the necessary order fields in just one step. Why not change Magento standard 6 checkout steps to just 1 convenient?
So, let us review the necessary features of Magento Checkout extension you need to take into account:
Address Fields
Modern checkout Magento extensions should allow disabling or enabling native Magento address fields, sorting and adding them.  So, you can decide whether you will give the option to store more than one billing/shipping address.
Payment Method
Magento Checkout extensions should support all the payment methods your Magento store have – free shipping, flat shipping, delivery dates - and also the most popular ones. You should be able to enable the payment method in your Magento and it will be displayed in One Page Checkout extension too.
Coupon Code Field
Shopping Cart Rules are usually used by Magento merchants and they are linked with coupon codes. Your checkout extension should support coupon codes too.
Additional Features
Gift Wrapping, polls or GeoIP are additional features that are desirable by Magento customers. They will increase your Magento store popularity and the result will be good sales. If you want to get to know more about these additional features, you can contact GoMage specialists who can suggest doing any customization as to them.
But what is the most important thing in the article? The fact is that GoMage LightCheckout extension has already had all the mentioned features and even more. In order to read about the entire LightCheckout extension functional, please use the link and have a chance to purchase the perfect checkout extension by the reasonable price with the rich functional features:
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Les extensions moderne pour la Magento e-commerce plate-forme
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