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Auteur Fil de discussion: Red-letter edition of Advanced Navigation version 4.2  (Lu 4429 fois)
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« le: 20 Décembre 2013 à 10:51:59 »

The professionally developed navigation helps you not only to drive a car to a final destination, but also have other advantages in your life.
 Magento Layered Navigation makes life easier, and GoMage Advanced Navigation extension improves your sites navigation features, helps your customers to find the products faster and easily and increases your sales.
GoMage has been working for a long time precisely and thoroughly to release a new version 4.2 of Advanced Navigation extension.
 The following features have been added:
-   (New) Responsive design;
-   (New) Fully compatibility with Apache Solr;
-   (New) Fully compatibility with GoMage Product Designer;
-   (New) Ability to configure filter parameters by categories in the Content column;
-   (New) Ability to show products from the upper ones when switching pages;
-   (New) Smooth Back to top transition;
-   And others.

The following issues have been fixed:
-   Fixed a minor bug with the Show All Options button;
-   Fixed a minor bug with Price filters;
-   Fixed a minor error on a bundle product page;
-   Fixed a minor error with Step Slider field;
-   Fixed a minor bug with slider tax price;
-   And others.

Don’t make Santa Clause look for Christmas presents for a long time! Provide him with GoMage Advanced Navigation extension help and hasten the holidays coming!
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Les extensions moderne pour la Magento e-commerce plate-forme
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La communauté d'échanges francophone  |  La communauté d'échange francophone  |  Espace publicitaire  |  Fil de discussion: Red-letter edition of Advanced Navigation version 4.2

Sujets en rapport
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Navigation avancée pour Magento
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GoMage 0 4708 Dernier message 20 Janvier 2012 à 11:51:07
par GoMage
Magento Navigation
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GoMage 0 6044 Dernier message 18 Février 2014 à 06:39:15
par GoMage
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