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La communauté d'échanges francophone 15 Mars 2025 à 13:58:16 *
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Auteur Fil de discussion: Boost your Magento store appearance with SEO enhancement  (Lu 5319 fois)
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« le: 27 Mars 2014 à 11:56:42 »

Nowadays it is not a secret or an innovation that some boosters are applied to different spheres of our life. As you know, eCommerce business is not the exception, taking into account a wide range of competitors and modern technologies.

Magento platform is one of the most complex, flexible and at the same time prosperous eCommerce basis of your business. But what a crime to use Magento and do not strive to improve its functions: to boost the sales, to boost the promotions, to boost shopping cart abilities and at last to boost SEO.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)is one of the most important eCommerce business parts on the way to success. To see your Magento store at TOP-1 is not it a real satisfaction? To increase your traffic and sales is not it a desire of every merchant?
The modern developers have created a lot number of ways how to improve your Magento store for SEO and the simplest way to proceed in it is to find an appropriate Magento extension which will improve and boost your website SEO.

GoMage SEO Booster extension

GoMage SEO Booster is a Helpful Magento eCommerce that Improves the Performance of Your Store on the Search Pages such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, etc.

GoMage SEO Booster can optimize the key phrases, URLs, canonical links, frontend site map and improve your Magento Store using other amazing features.

GoMage extension will help you to make friendly URLs for your Layered Navigation, Product tags and Reviews. You will be able to add Canonical URL Meta Header to your pages, use Cross Domain Canonical URLs for Multiple Stores, use Open Graph Protocol and Rich Snippets to Improve Search Result Views on Google, Bing, Yahoo!, etc.

GoMage SEO Booster also allows you improving SEO robots actions for products, categories and pages. It will optimize Sitemap Page.
SEO Analyzer will help you to Find Duplicates, Short or Long Descriptions in Your Store.

And there is no ending of the extension features.
If you are interested, investigate our SEO Booster page in order to be informed about GoMage new release:

* magento-seo-blog.png (68.82 Ko, 610x220 - vu 1040 fois.)
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Les extensions moderne pour la Magento e-commerce plate-forme
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