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Auteur Fil de discussion: Google Product Listing Ads are a useful service for eCommerce  (Lu 6009 fois)
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« le: 14 Mai 2014 à 12:07:11 »

When I decided to promote my eCommerce store in the Internet sphere, the first question appeared in front of me was what service I should chose. Examining the Internet spheres I noticed that Google service and Google products flashed everywhere. Moreover, when I clicked the liked product, I was redirected to the merchant’s store. And a good idea came to my head. It was the desire to use the Product Listing Ads service.
Product Listing Ads are a unique ad format and you are allowed to include a title, image, price, the products description, and your store or business name. It does not demand to create unique ads for each product you sell. This service shows a set of appropriate products for a given search.
Your Google Ads appear in their own box on Google Search and they are separated from text ads. Also they appear on Google Search partner websites and on Google Shopping taking into account the countries that are selected.
The second important item for me is that Product Listing Ads can be targeted to many countries where Google Shopping is available: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the U.K., and the U.S.

But before using Google Shopping and Product Listing Ads service you need two accounts to be created. They are an Adwords account and a Google Merchant Center account. The Google Merchant account will provide you with the opportunity to manage your product information and your AdWords account will help you to manage your ads and campaigns. You should create these accounts.
If you have already had them, then you need to do the following:
1.   Upload your product feed to your Google Merchant Center account;
2.   Link your AdWords and Google Merchant Center accounts.

Here is the definition: product feed. At the very beginning I did not understand what it meant, but the simplest way to place my products on Google Shopping like this I have never met before. It can be done easily if only you have a special tool for doing this.

What special extension do you need to create a feed file?
A feed file is a file which includes all the products taken from your Magento. It is generated and it is based on the information that you have created in your Magento. This information includes attributes such as brand, name, manufacturer, description, price, color, gender, etc. These attributes should be filled in with the appropriate information, because this information will be applied to your products on Google Shopping and it will be displayed there.
The feed file is easily generated with the GoMage Feed Pro extension. It is a harmless extension which never conflicts with other third party extensions. It takes the information from your Magento and generates the feed file for you. Then it uploads this file to the Google Shopping account.
You can see the advantages of it: creating feed files, generating them automatically and also uploading them automatically (the first time you should do it manually):

Are there any benefits in the use of Google Product Listing Ads?

1.   More traffic and leads. The clickthrough rates are higher with Product Listing Ads.
2.   Better qualified leads. As a merchant, you can show the product information directly in your ads and it will help a customer to make an informed purchase decision.
3.   Easy management. Instead of the keywords, Product Listing Ads use the product attributes you defined in your Merchant Center data feed to show your ads on relevant searches.
4.   Broader reach. When a customer gives a search, more than one of your Product Listing Ads can appear. And if it is relevant, a Google Listing Ad and a text ad can also appear at the same time. It makes the search results wider.
The benefits are significant, the usefulness is brilliant and the use of the GoMage Feed Pro extension makes the Google Product Listing ads a good idea for your eCommerce business. It can help to promote your Magento website in the business sphere informing your customers about your products on Google Shopping and on the Google partner websites.

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Les extensions moderne pour la Magento e-commerce plate-forme
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