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Auteur Fil de discussion: eCommerce innovations in the Magento sphere  (Lu 5435 fois)
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« le: 17 Juin 2014 à 17:31:07 »

Magento team has made us surprised with the recent releases of the Magento Community Edition 1.9 and Magento Enterprise Edition 1.14.

One of the significant release improvements is a responsive web design.
Responsive design is  a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors).

The default theme in Magento EE 1.14 and CE 1.9 uses Responsive Web Design principles. Your new products are built on modern technologies and incorporate best practices for mobile sites and experiences. Benefits include:

   You can get a tablet and smart phone friendly responsive site in about half the time as before, speeding time to market and freeing up resources for other projects.
   Your responsive site makes you better able to participate in the fast growing mobile commerce space, and gives you the ability to more easily adapted to new opportunities and less expensive to maintain. A responsive site also offers potential search engine optimization (SEO) benefits from using Google's preferred approach to mobile-optimizing sites.

Taking into account these wonderful Magento innovation and many others made in these Magento Editions, you should check whether your third party extensions are compatible with them or not. The checking process demands your time and patience, but it is worth doing.

GoMage specialists have alleviated the plight of their customers by investigation of all the issues in GoMage extensions connected with the compatibility question.
At the moment you can enjoy using ProCart, Feed Pro, Slider, Sales & Deals, Ads & Promo extensions by GoMage because they have been already tested with the Magento Community Edition 1.9 and Magento Enterprise Edition 1.14.
Our GoMage team continues working on the compatibility project at the moment in order to provide you with the opportunity to use our significant extensions such as GoMage Product Designer and GoMage Advanced Navigation with Magento last releases.
Please pay attention to the fact that GoMage LightCheckout extension and Social Connector can be used on your checkout page too, because they are fully compatible and tested with the Magento recent editions.
The Magento Technology Updates should be considered and examined precisely.

Please do not forget that there is PHP 5.4 used in these releases. The Zend Framework was also upgraded to the version 1.12.3. And Magento Enterprise Edition 1.14 supports Apache Solr versions up to 3.6.2. But please be careful and do not forget that only Magento EE 1.14 supports, not Magento CE 1.9.

GoMage team is happy to see these new releases at the eCommerce market and always glad to help the customers to upgrade their Magento Installations to the last versions. We are proud of the fact that our customers can use our GoMage extensions with the last Magento releases:
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Les extensions moderne pour la Magento e-commerce plate-forme
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