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Echanges, Rencontres et Promotions pour artistes et professionnels du monde de la musique 05 Février 2025 à 10:42:59 *
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Auteur Fil de discussion: Ostend_Beach 2011 Samedi 25 Juin  (Lu 1544 fois)
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No woman no cry

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« le: 31 Mai 2011 à 14:20:10 »

Klein Strand
Ostend, Belgium

All info:

As the first edition last year, with about 4.000 visitors, on the Klein Strand of Ostend proved the Ostend Beach Dance festival was an immediate hit and a unique experience for all those who attended. A real “Ibiza/Copa Cabana” atmosphere was created with lots of music, beach, sun and fun. It simply was a perfect start of the summer and the festival season and the perfect event to end the school exams with.

That definitely won’t be different this time around, on the contrary, the festival will be even bigger, bolder and more fun with a very impressive main-stage, 2 outdoor areas and an indoor tent on which the biggest headliners, local heroes as well as upcoming talents will be doing their thing. You can also expect live-acts, percussion and enticing MC’s.

More than 30 artists will rock the crowds from 13h. till 1h. on Saturday, June 25th and this with the best dance tracks and vibes you can imagine. For those who might doubt our claims, we’d like to invite you to check last year’s after-movie.

* Ostend_Beach_2011.jpg (29.45 Ko, 200x286 - vu 328 fois.)

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