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Auteur Fil de discussion: GoMage Social Connector  (Lu 5729 fois)
Messages: 13

GoMage offre des services professionnels dans Mage

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« le: 09 Février 2015 à 17:38:46 »

The quantity of social networks which currently exist is really huge. The most popular of them are known to almost everyone in the world: Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, Pinterest, Reddit and many others. Each of these networks has millions of registered users who regularly access their profiles. Of course, many of these users also make their shopping through the Internet. The online stores have also become extremely popular in the world as they provide people with freedom of choice and convenient conditions to choose and order the necessary products without leaving their home. The registration option in the online stores gives users a possibility to create permanent accounts and use them to buy products in the same stores without having to fill all their contact information again; besides, most of the stores also offer good discounts to their permanent buyers.

The web stores are usually based on various eCommerce solutions. One of the most popular CMS for eCommerce is Magento. It provides online merchants with a wide range of tools and features to build reliable online stores. Magento modules developed by GoMage extend the functionality of online stores and provide additional features which make the stores more flexible and easy-to-use. GoMage Social Connector 1.2 extension is designed to improve the account login functionality and allow customers login using their accounts in social networks. So, if you have this extension installed in your online store and enabled for all available social networks, a customer can simply press a corresponding social network button in order to login and make an order in your store. This option saves a lot of time and simplifies the login process significantly. What is most important, GoMage Social Connector extension is available for download free of charge. The installation and configuration of the module is very simple. Currently, the extension supports the following social networks: Facebook, Amazon, LinkedIn, Google and Google+, Twitter, Tumblr and Reddit. Like any other extension developed by GoMage, Social Connector has open source code and can be easily customized by a skilled programmer. What is also important, Social Connector is compatible with the latest Magento releases - Community Edition 1.9 and Enterprise Edition 1.14.

If you still do not have social networks login buttons in your online store then you definitely need GoMage Social Connector extension. Feel free to contact us directly in case you have any questions or any additional information is required.


Les extensions moderne pour la Magento e-commerce plate-forme
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