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Auteur Fil de discussion: Say NO to the "pseudo-luxury"  (Lu 3284 fois)
Messages: 2

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« le: 06 Juillet 2012 à 04:02:58 »

Just spent a few hundred pieces to buy clothes online exposure that toxic was pretty taste. "In Beijing's Zhongguancun, students Wang school to buy a set of Nike Sportswear, and then they see on the InternetGreenpeace accused may contain toxic substances in the production of Nike clothing brand clothing. Wang reluctantly told reporters: "Although wearing brand-name feeling it toxic clothes on the body, how reassuring?"
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ggdelarme 0 3341 Dernier message 06 Mars 2012 à 18:20:36
par ggdelarme
Récit "révélation privée" de Sainte Thérèse de Lisieux survenue en 2009-2010
Présentation de produits
nico94170 0 2960 Dernier message 06 Avril 2012 à 12:09:55
par nico94170
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