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Auteur Fil de discussion: Volunteer in Africa, India and South America  (Lu 4689 fois)
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« le: Août 13, 2011, 04:28:44 »

Do you want to do Volunteering in Africa, India or South America? This is your chance!

The College for International Co-operation and Development (CICD)prepares Development Instructors to work as volunteers in the development of the poorest countries in the world. You have the opportunity of volunteer during 6 months in Africa, India or South America!

The programme has the following structure:
6 months training at CICD
6 months voluntary work at a project
2 months evaluation and information work (Camp Future) in a European city

The projects are:
Child Aid
Teacher Training College
Farmers Club
Vocational School
TCE - Total Control of Epidemic
Hope – HIV/AIDS prevention
Clothes and Shoes Store
Malaria Project

Requirements: +18 years old and EU Passport holder

+info: (EN, FR, PT, ES)

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Réseau social de mise en relation publique entre pays francophone - forums publics et espaces de mise en relation  |  Espaces de mise en relation  |  Les salons des professionels francophones  |  Fil de discussion: Volunteer in Africa, India and South America

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Volunteer in Africa, India and South America
Les salons des professionels francophones
Anacbastos 0 4341 Dernier message Août 13, 2011, 04:09:32
par Anacbastos
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